The Best Procedure Of Erection And Commissioning Of A Diesel Power Plant
In this Post Erection and commissioning of a Diesel Generator-Mechanical, Electrical, we shall discuss the detailed Erection and Commissioning of a Diesel Power Plant. This post has been written as a guide for the Erection and commissioning engineers of the diesel Power plants. Engineers can apply the Procedures to other engineering equipment also.
Carry out the following activities
- Unloading of DG Tools, Spare & Lube Oil Cooler
- Positioning, Levelling & grouting of the DG base plate
- Unloading of DG sets & placing them on the DG Foundation.
- Erection of the Lube Oil Cooler
- Unloading & Erection of the Diesel driven & motor-driven compressors
- Unloading & Erection of the Air Receiver
- Unloading & Erection of Fuel Skid
- Unloading & Erection of the prefabricated 28.5 Mtrs Chimney structure & 30.0 Mtrs semi-fabricated Chimney stag
- Unloading & Erection of Radiators
- Unloading & Erection of ventilation unit.
- Unloading & Erection of Exhaust Silencer
- Unloading & Erection of Fuel Day Tank
- Unloading & Erection of Expansion Tank
- Unloading & Erection of waste oil Tank & Pump
- Unloading & Erection of VCB Panel
- Unloading & Erection of MCC Panel
- Unloading & Erection of EDG control & Synchronizing Panel
- Unloading & Erection of Battery Charger panel
- Unloading & Erection of Cable Tray
- Unloading & Laying of Power & Control Cable
- Carry out Unloading and Storage of Pipe, Pipe Fitting & Insulation Material, etc.
- Unloading and Storage of Exhaust Duct
- DG set positioning, levelling, and final securing.
- Erection of Exhaust Duct
- Fabrication, Hydro testing 1.5 Times of Design pressure, Pickling & Erection of Cooling Water Pipe Line
- Fabrication, Hydro testing 1.5 Times of Design pressure, Pickling & Erection of Fuel Oil Pipe Line
- Fabrication, Hydro testing 1.5 Times of Design pressure, Pickling & Erection of Lube Oil Pipe Line
- Fabrication, Hydro testing 1.5 Times of Design pressure, Pickling & Erection of Comp. Air Pipe Line
- Acceptance criterion: Hold the pressure for 10 minutes duration, and there should not be visible leaks externally.
- Erection of Lightening arrestor & Aviation Lamp
- Termination of Power & Control Cable
- Lube Oil fill up in The Engine Sump up to required level.
- Fill the Cooling water in the Engine & maintain the Expansion tank level & Release the air from all vent points.
- HSD fill up in the Day tank & release the air from all vent points
- Maintain the required air pressure in the Air Receiver
- Start the pre-lubrication pump & check the oil flow at all Engine moving parts.
- Check the Cold & Hot crank wave deflection.
- Commissioning and test protocol for DG set and associated Auxiliaries.
Unloading and storage procedure
The purpose of this procedure is to address all quality-related activities relevant to the material handling procedure for DG set on arrival at the Site
Unloading Activities
Follow the Following activities, the quality aspect on the arrival of DG set at Site.
- Placing of the DG set on foundation along with Vibration isolators
- Leveling of DG set as per Manufacturer’s recommendations
- Inspection of DG set externally on arrival at Site, before unloading from trailer Unloading of the DG sets from the trailer
- Shifting and placing of the DG set on the foundation
General Specifications
- DG Set Capacity
- Engine Type-
- Major Dimensions
- Approximate Height
- Approximate length
- Approximate width
- Approximate weight
Sequence of activities
- Verification of leveling of concrete foundation.’
- Unloading and shifting the DG set to the foundation
Placing the DG set over the foundation
Major material handling equipment
- Mobile Crane
- Lifting arrangements provided by the Manufacturer
- Chain Pulley Blocks
- Steel wire rope sling
- Wooden sleepers
- Steel rails
- Hydraulic jacks
- Pipe roller
Unloading Procedure
Inspection of material
Inspect the DG set on arrival at the Site for damage/ shortage that occurred during transit. If any damage is noticed, notify the transport agency, Owner of Equipment, and the insurance company. Please arrange for the inspection by their representatives to assess the extent of the damage. An endorsement to this effect should be obtained from competent dock authorities on the invoice so that the insurance claims process is done quickly.
Unloading of DG set at Site
The boom is
- Kept around 75 degrees angle, and the DG set is lifted with wire rope slings secured on the DG set as per the maker’s direction on one side and over the crane hooks another side.
- Level off the ground where DG set is required to be unloaded and shifted. Level the position correctly and mark the approach for the easy movement of Crane and trailer.
- Wire slings are made tight to observe any unbalance on slings and to be adjusted if necessary.
- Lift the DG set at about 1–2 inches above from trailer to observe any unbalance of the total unit, and lower back for any adjustments to be carried out for (positioning of the Crane, tools and wire sling, packing at the jack base, etc.)
- Move off the trailer by withdrawing the wedges once the DG set is lifted about 6 inches from the trailer base.
- Place the DG set on the ground slowly as soon as the trailer is cleared from the spot.
- Lift the DG set and arrange the level and place the wooden sleepers over the ground. Place the DG set over the wooden sleepers.
- Raise the DG set to the required level with the help of the Crane and add more wooden sleepers for leveling in stages.
- Finally, insert and place the suitable rollers for shifting the DG set near the engine foundation.
- Slowly lift the engine and slowly placed it over the leveled base bar, similarly as per the explanation in the unloading procedure. (Where ever necessary, Crane can be used for raising the DG set for suitably placing the rails and rollers for hauling the DG set to a foundation). Hauling of the DG set shall be minimized as far as possible while the Crane services shall be used to the maximum extend.
Leveling The Foundation Base Frame
Complete this job before lowering the DG set on the foundation base frame as per the following method.
- Thoroughly clean and wash the engine foundation.
- Mark the centreline of the foundation as per the drawing.
- Verify the concrete foundation level with the help of the cup level.
- Bring the foundation level equivalent to equal level and height by adjustment with shims
- Place the DG set suitably above the foundation and leveled platform with wooden slippers.
- Lower the DG set appropriately onto the foundation with the help of jacks for final positioning.
Storage Procedure
The following procedure is to be adopted for the storage of the DG set.
- Whether packed in a wooden box or packed in open containers with tarpaulin, the Generating set must be placed under the roof, protected against rain and dust.
- The packing must always be covered with a canvas.
- For packing in an open container/tarpaulin, the maximum storage time will be four months
- For packing in a wooden box, the storage time will be eight months.
If the Generating set is not installed in the period mentioned above; the following preservation activities have to be carried out to maintain the DG set in good condition.
- Remove tarpaulin and open the wooden box.
- Remove covers of the crankcase, camshaft casing, and valve gear deives.
- Pump the lube — oil system through with protective oil, “Mobilarma- 524” or similar.
- Open the indicator valves and pour approx. 1/3 litre of protective oil to each cylinder. “Mobilarma- 524” or similar.
- Turn the crankshaft by 2–3 revolutions and check that the stop position differs from the start position.
- Check the top of the cylinder heads and coat with “Mobilplex-44” or similar; if necessary, remount the cover.
- Remount covers in the crankcase and the camshaft casing. Remount all intermediate cover.
- Check the exterior surfaces and re-establish the protection, if necessary, with “Mobilarma-247” or similar.
- Check the painting and re-paint if necessary.
- Remove the cover at the turbocharger gas outlet and turn the rotor of the turbocharger by strong pushes. Replace the cover at the gas outlet.
- Re-establish the original packing and cover with tarpaulin.
For alternator
- Make sure that no moisture and condensate on or in the machine and its attached assemblies. When the alternator is not in operation, the heating elements must be connected and in proper function.
- Clean rust and dirt from the bright metal surfaces and apply a protective lacquer coating. Make sure that the layer is not porous. If any loose items are supplied, they must be stored on racks with their identification marks and tags in good condition. The group codes shall be displayed on the racks.
- Should inspect the stored item frequently. And also, necessary facilities for the owner/ Engineer are made to carry out such inspection when considered necessary. The suggestions of the Owner/ Engineer shall be implemented, and a periodic report has to be generated.
- The machine should not be exposed to vibration.
- Stores receipt
- Manufacturers instruction manual
- Packing slip
- Drawings
- Test certificate of material handling tools
- Maintenance reports
- Work permit for unloading
Other arrangements
- Safety brief before the commencement of work.
- PPE and safety gears as required. (the persons engaged in unloading shall wear PPE).
- Safe work method statement to be submitted to Engineer before the commencement of work
Safety checks
- Ground levelling shall be checked before unloading operation
- Prepare the access road to the Point of unloading at the Site.
- Prepare the area suitably for resting the crane jack on the ground..
- Inspect the crane and wire ropes, brake operation of jack, etc.
- Secure the lifting tool over the engine lifting point.
- Check the condition of the lifting tools/wire strap.
- Put a board at the site displaying that “Unauthorized persons are not permitted in the vicinity of the rigging and unloading area”.
- Suitably cordoned off the area near the unloading point.
Decided one person for signaling and coordinate with the crane operator.
Work permit
Obtain the work permit from the Site Head.
“Prepare a safe work method statement and identify the hazards associated with each activity with control measures to eliminate or minimize the risk of injury or damage.”
Important Activities for the DG set Erection
- Pre-erection activities on the DG set foundation and grouting of the DG set base plate
- Positioning, mounting, and leveling of the DG set.
- Adjustment of elastic mounting for Generating Set.
Pre-erection activities on the DG set foundation and grouting of the DG set base plate
Required tools and Material before the pre-erection activities
- Latest approved drawings.
- All the erection material like base plate, foundation bolts jacking bolts.
- Foundation marking and leveling equipment.
Following activities are to be carried out for the pre-erection of the DG set on a foundation
- Check the elevation of the foundation is as per the drawing.
- Clean the foundation surface and place the base plate as per drawing and maintain the specified dimensions.
- Mark the coordinates ( x-x, y-y) to maintain the center distance between two base plates as per the specified dimensions in the approved drawing.
- Maintain the elevation of all base plates as per the approved drawing.
- Mark the foundation for drilling the hole for foundation bolts.
- Remove all the base plates after correct marking prior to drilling.
- Drill the foundation with the dimensions specified in the drawing.
- Ensure the base plate is neat and clean, clean any rust particles.
- Clean the foundation surface and replace the base plates maintaining the dimensions as per the drawing.
- Carry out the leveling of the base plates with the help of leveling screws.
- Mount all the foundation bolts tighten up to specified torque.
- Prepare the grouting chemical and fill in the pockets.
- The base plate should be above the foundation as per the specified dimensions.
- Wait for the grouting chemical to get hard.
- Loosen all the adjusting screws upon curing.
- Apply the final specified torque on the foundation bolts.
Procedure for the DG set Positioning ( Erection and commissioning of a Diesel Generator)
- Keep the Filling Piece, Elastic Mounting, shims, Nut, and bolts ready at the site
- Clean the filling piece and elastic mountings from both sides.
- Keep the DG lifting tool, wire ropes, and crane ready in all respects
- Ensure the crane location at an approachable distance from the foundation and DG set or follow the manual procedure for the placement of DG set at the foundation
- Ensure the cleanliness of the base frame bottom at the location of elastic mounting.
- Mount the elastic mounting and filling piece at the bottom of the base frame.
- Mark the exact position of the base plate for the exact location of the elastic mounting.
- Lower the DG set till it rests completely on the base plate with the centerline matching.
- Ensure the elastic mounting dimensions as per the approved drawing.
- Dismount the lifting tool from the engine.
- Follow the next procedure only after a waiting period of 48 hours as per the OEM recommendations.
Follow the following procedure for the elastic height measurement.
- Keep the height measuring tool Steel scale, Vernier calliper, Inside Micrometer ( 100 to 150mm) readily available.
- After the settlement period of 48 hours, measure the height of the elements.
The difference between the mountings should be as small as possible and should not exceed ± 1mm
- Carry out the following activities in case the measured height exceed ± 1mm
- Lift the DG set with the help of a hydraulic jack and add the shims wherever height is more than the others in comparison.
- Jack down the engine and repeat the readings after 48 hours.
- Repeat the activity time and again till the specified limit has been achieved.
- The mountings with the largest deviation ( from the average value) should initially be adjusted by adding the steel shims.
- Record all the elastic mounting height measurements for the review by OEM.
- After the receipt of approval further welding of all the required parts can be carried out.
Mechanical– Erection and commissioning of a Diesel Generator
Auxiliaries Systems
- Exhaust
- Air intake
- Cooling water
- Lube oil
- Air (start / control)
Tanks Fuel & Water and associated pipelines
Electrical / C & I-Erection and commissioning of a Diesel Generator
DC System (24 V & 110 V)
2. Electrical
- Synchronization panel
- Power receiving equipment (MV Switchboard, PCC, MCC) should be ready to accept the power.
3. Completion of Engine & electrical safety checks in stop & running condition
4. Fire detection and monitoring
5. Civil and structural works associated with DG sets, auxiliaries, and systems mentioned above
6. Safety — fire fighting systems and equipment
Post-Erection, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning checks & procedure
- Availability of all the relevant Datasheets of the DG sets at the site, including P&IDs and safety appliances, and all these documents are to be inspected by respective engineers and need to be satisfied before starting work. The commissioning team is acquainted with the details of the system.
- Inspection and arrangement of all the tools and tackles before starting work.
- All people working at the DG set should wear PPE before starting work. (Should have ear defenders/earplugs for use when sets are started up and in operation)
- The area of work should be cleaned from all obstructions and examined for easy movement and passage.
- The commissioning team assigned with an area of responsibility is deputed during pre-commissioning and commissioning Time to attend to various equipment.
- Availability of Testbed record of Engine and Alternator ( FAT- factory acceptance test report)
Tools and tackles -Erection and commissioning of a Diesel Generator
- A set of spanners & Hand tools.
- Sufficient trays and containers for collecting drip and leak-off from joints, if any.
- Communication arrangement from one point to other. (walkie — talkies)
A set of electrical measuring and inspection tools (Megger, Voltmeter, Ammeter, Tong-tester, etc.)
- Equipment for inspection and testing of C & I component including
- Pressure & temperature calibration tool.
- Tool for deflection measurement, torch & mirror.
- Vernier caliper, Micrometer, Feeler gauge for tappet.
- Peak pressure gauge (P-Max)
- Contact lass thermometer (infrared)
- Dial gauge with magnetic stand
Personnel attending the procedures
- Commissioning Engineer
- Quality control engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Instrument Engineer
- Electrical Engineer
- Mechanical & Electrical Technicians
Post Installation checks
- Ensure that the DG set is correctly installed on the concrete foundation block and ready in all respect. Ref-Doc: Approved Drawings and all mechanical installation work are complete before pre-commissioning.
- Ensure that all the piping/ducting (Fuel, oil, water HT<, start air, intake air, exhaust gas) of the DG sets are connected to the machine’s respective connection points expansion joints/ bellows are applied as per the norms. Pipes are well supported and secured. The silencer is installed and well supported. Silencer drain valves are fitted.
- All the isolation valves, fittings that have been provided are inspected and free to open and close completely
- Exhaust ducting has been installed, supported, and secured well, and connected to the main chimney.
- DG set has been fitted with all the necessary indicating (pressure & temperature gauges and pressure and temperature switches)
- Ensure no other work inside the DG Hall is being carried out during the pre-commissioning checks and commissioning work.
- Inspect all the platform, ladders, and access points to DG set and auxiliaries for proper securing from the point of access to inspection and logging.
- Clean the DG set engine and alternator accessible for pre-commissioning and commissioning checks.
- Check and ensure that all the coupling guards, belt guards, and barriers against moving parts are fitted and secured well.
- Check clean and inspect and close HT and LT water expansion tank.
- Charge the Water system
- Check, clean, inspects, and closes the Engine sump for charging lubricating oil.
- All consumables such as water, lube oil, diesel, service air, and lubricants, etc., are to be provided by the customer at the site.
- A sufficient amount of Lubricating oil is available for charging into the engine oil sump. (Engine oil sump shall be charged first Time directly from the drums)
- Check that all the MV LV & Control cables on the alternator have been laid and cables have been terminated according to the cable schedule.
Pre-commissioning checks
(A) Check and ensure that the following systems are ready and are available for service as and when required
- Make the availability of the compressed air to the system.
- DM/ soft water is available and connected to the plant and DG sets system.
- Engine start air and instrument air is available and is connected to the system.
- HT & LT radiators are operational and connected to the respective system and charged with water, and ready for use.
- Fire fighting equipment is available.
- Fuel system (Diesel oil) is prepared, ready, and fuel available at engine inlet after priming.
- Charge engine sump with manufacturers’ recommended lubricating oil to an acceptable level.
- Check and fill oil in governor sump to the mark/ level.
(B) Ensure that the following auxiliaries and equipment are made operational and be available for a startup as and when required for the Erection and commissioning of a Diesel Generator
) Fuel booster is operational.
(2) 24/110 V DC. Supply is made available.
(3) Engine control Panel is made operational.
(4) Pre-lube oil pump is operational.
© After the DG set is fully loaded with mass after fitting all mountings, the Anti-vibration pad (elastic mounting) measurement may be taken and recorded. Final adjustment, if any, may be carried out. Record the final readings.
(D) Open alternator front cover and check rotor-stator air gap record the measurement. Check and tighten rotating rectifier connections and put the cover back into position.
E. Check engine crankshaft deflection at cold condition, make adjustments if necessary, and bring the last throw to an acceptable Limit if the deviation is noticed. The record measurement of all cranks throws. Refer to the instruction manual for procedures. (The job shall be carried out by OEM Engineers and recorded at all stages.)
F. Check and prepare the following electrical system.
) Check and put 110/24 V DC system is operational.
(2) All the relevant MV VCB’s are inspected and in-service position.
(3) Megger MV cable from alternator end with the help of 5 VK Megger and record readings. (Discharge cable on completion)
(4) Measure insulation value of alternator windings and record. Ensure AVR connections are disconnected before meggaring.
(5) Inspect all the insulator conditions in the alternator cable terminal box for good condition.
(6) Connect the cable to the respective winding terminal and re-tighten properly.
(7) Check that Engine moving parts have no obstruction and the area around the DG set is clear and accessible for easy movement of people.
(8) Check inlet & exhaust valve clearance and adjust to the permitted value.
Commissioning checks (Erection and commissioning of a Diesel Generator)
Upon completing all the above, the DG set can be started and carry out the trials as per the following procedure.
Engine HT water system heater is switched on, and water is preheated to approximately 50 deg. C.
(2) Warm-up engine lube oil system and sump oil to about 40 deg. C.
(3) Start engine priming pump and lubricate Engine and ensure that all parts are supplied with sufficient oil. Turn engine in the direction of rotation few revolutions with engine indicator cock in open position on all cylinders.
(4) Put radiator system into operation
(5) Put compressed air and ventilation system into operation
(6) Put diesel oil system into operation, vent air from the fuel system, and ensure that there is at least 2.5 kg /sqcm pressure in the system.
(7) Prepare the Engine for barring on Air motor. Turn the Engine with oil priming on at least by two complete revolutions and ensure no abnormalities, and the Engine is free to rotate. Check that oil supply reaches all the observable points, including rocker arm.
(8) Open the crankcase door on one side and observe that oil flow is normal following oil drain from piston cooling.
(9) Close the crankcase door and secure the Engine (fuel system and governor locked to stop fuel position) for blow through by start air system.
(10) Turn the Engine (with oil priming on) by start air and blow through the system once or twice.
(11) Recharge compressed air system and built upstart air pressure to about 30KG/cm2.
(12) Close all indicator valves on the cylinder unit and prepare the Engine for starting.
(13) Ensure that voltage excitation switch is put to off position as a precaution
Starting DG set (Erection and commissioning of a Diesel Generator)
Check Engine idle and rated speed. Idle speed around 400–500 RPM and rated speed 750 RPM) start priming oil pump and prim Engine to lubricate parts sufficiently. Start the engine as soon as the engine fires
Engine lubricating oil pressure. Around 3–3.5 Kg/cm2 and that there is no abnormal noise
(2) Water system LT and HT is registering some pressure on the system, and water circulation is on
(3) Turbocharger lubrication system registers pressure above 1. 0–1.1 kg/.sq cm. Inspect oil flow to rocker arm system.
(4) Ensure that all cylinders are firing
(5) After few minutes (2–3 minutes), stop the Engine and feel over the main and crankpin bearing by hand feel for abnormality.
(6) Check oil flow through the piston cooling on all units.
(7) When the inspection is complete and satisfactory Engine can be started and put on at rated RPM.
Second start
Start DG set again this time slowly increase engine RPM to 750 and run at idle speed AND OBSERVE FOLLOWING.
Engine lubricating oil pressure. Around 4–4.5 Kg/sqcm. and that there is no abnormal noise
(2) Water system LT and HT register pressure on the system between 1–1.5 kg/cm2 minimum.
(3) Turbocharger lubrication system registers pressure above 1.2 to1.3 kg.cm2.
(4) Oil flow to rocker arm system is proper
(5) Ensure that all cylinders are firing.
(6) Lubricating oil pressure difference is below 1.5Kg/cm2
(7) Fuel oil pressure is around 2KG/cm2
(8) Thoroughly check the Engine and alternator for 5 minutes and stop Engine. (Low lube oil pressure trip (Engine shut down) may be reviewed this time). Next, open the crankcase and feel over the Engine main and crankpin bearing and check the oil flow from piston cooling and satisfy.
(9) Check the important trip setting /Shut down of Dg set in the subsequent start-stop operations
Third start
Prepare DG set for start, switch on excitation switch.
Start DG set and warm for 2–3 minutes to check that the voltage is built up. Adjust voltage in the MV side and set it at 6.6KV.
(2) Prepare electrical system for the loading of the Engine by auxiliary loads
(3) Warm-up Engine for 3–5 minutes and check engine alternator thoroughly before loading. Ensure that all the parameters like HT water temperature, lube oil temperature have reached 60C & 50C, respectively.
Check and satisfy electrical panels MV side for the loading of the DG set. When all the above checks are complete set can be put on load as follow.
Start the generator for step load change after completing the routine test as per HYUNDAI guidance and standard. Then, test the engine at available load at the site.
Compare all the readings and values recorded in the test period with the testbed reports of OEM. If there are no apparent/unexplained deviations, the test can be deemed complete and acceptable.
Records and commissioning reports after Erection and commissioning of a Diesel Generator
Operating manual for Engine.
(2) P&ID diagram for the fuel, water, oil, waste oil, and starting & instrument air.
(3) Instruction manual for the alternator.
(4) Electrical drawings for MV and LV system
(5) DG set Logbook
(6) Anti-vibration sandwich measurement sheet
Auto-Log/ Deflection reading datasheet
Conclusion:- Readers will find the procedure a useful guide for their professional reference.